LookLearn VR Project

Yannick Serge Obam
2 min readOct 11, 2017


Teamwork 2 Project for Udacity VR Nanodegree

As part of the VR Nanodegree Program at Udacity, TeamWork project is proposed in order to meet others classmates in the process of design a VR app to practice their VR chops and learn how to develop creative software in a small team. Our team “Team Burn” sought to create an educational app for young children teaching them nursery rhymes and colors! It’s a fun, well designed childrens bedroom that encourages interactivity with colors and objects. Enjoy it!

Key features

  • Bedroom with intricate design and color
  • Background music
  • Clickable objects pointing to different colors
  • Clickable objects that play explanatory nursery rhymes

Project Video


Our team of 4 was composed all by beginners so I had the big responsibility to guide them into learning having fun. We decided to create a Whatsapp group to handle the brainstorming phase and other communications about our project.In the brainstorming we choosed the idea from Evi and Michelle.

Then Michelle was responsible of Design (prefabs/assembling assets).

Using pre-made prefabs bought from the Asset Store, I designed and created a children’s bedroom. A key feature is the overhead star shape of the room which was constructed from scratch using planes for the floor and cube game objects for the wall.” Michelle Mboya

Evi was responsible of Sketches . Banji and I were focused on code and testing. But Banji was certainly busy so he could not play his part.

Statement of Purpose: LookLearn is an educational VR app for young children teaching them nursery rhymes and colors.


From Evi


We’ve chosen to make the app for mobile VR (Android Carboard) to make it more accessible.

Future Improvements

  • More animations and interactions, a start menu .
  • We developed the proof of concept for mobile VR and the Cardboard viewer. We could increase fidelity, add more effects and do a lot more with other platforms (HTC Vive, Oculus Rift).


It is submitted by Team Burn.

The members of Team Burn are Yannick Serge Obam, Michelle Mboya,
Evi Odioko and Banji Seun Adewoye.



Yannick Serge Obam

AI/ML Engineer | Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning | AI Evangelist | Teacher